Such a precious time. It's quiet. It's relatively cold. My dog is curled up in a fluffy ball on my green rug, snoozing happily away. I have been up for 2.5 hours, working, straddling a Salli saddle chair with a stale mug of coffee, a really strong glass of kombucha (27 November 2013, & cut, thank you), in my witchery-striped socks and a 10-year old hoodie.
Yep, picture perfection. You'd never guess I am CEO and Founder of a health foods company.
News flash! : I have just recently moved into my new apartment with my boyfriend, M. I'm sure most of you can identify with me when I say moving is HECTIC! Don't get me wrong, it's simultaneously rewarding as you discover & unearth more and more of your apartment as you pack. (Shame on you Cal, 80% of the useless items in the house are yours!)
Given M and I are both CEOs of health food companies, you can imagine, the kitchen/kitchen pantry is the most important aspect in our flat. In fact, it was the first thing we arranged and put together properly. Like our dog, we can sleep atop piles of useless clothing (embarrassingly, 99% of which is mine), but unlike our dog, we need proper sustenance. And by sustenance, I mean superfoods.
No... Our pantry is definitely not the ideal kitchen pantry (#justkidding) (#ofcourseiamkidding)
So back to right now. Jia Peng Fang is playing in the background, my apple cinnamon candle is flickering languidly away on my altar, my sprouted quinoa & broccoli seeds are drying off nicely atop my kitchen counter and a pot of water is currently boiling (I am attempting to resurrect my stale coffee). I'm putting together the ad material for our online social media channels (e.g. Facebook - yes, please do 'Like' us) to promote the launch of special raw chocolate bon bons for Valentine's Day.
Draft version! Raw chocolate mint hearts, place an order with us (
FYI and insider news alert, we're launching these specialty bon bons with my special mint 'cream' filling just for V'day. Because the chocolate will be traditionally hand-tempered, poured into moulds, filled and treated with care, precision and love, only 50 boxes (6 bon bons/box) will be available for sale. So if you want to lock in your order, you'd better do so fast! Email me at
Have I mentioned I was a pastry chef once? No?
Some of my old work.
Well, now you know. =)
Oh GAWD. Speaking of that - Have you seen this?! M showed it to me once after I shamelessly inhaled my mushroom omelette dinner and I nearly died laughing.
Shrooms and eggy-bits did threaten to spew all over him as I guffawed over my (MCT)oily plate...
But that's EXACTLY why he loves me.
To answer your question: Yes, major randomness does go on in our home.
Come to think of it, I think we're living antithesis proof against the stereotype that health foodies are all "granola", "people-who-do-yoga", "super zen", "tree huggers", "brusselsprouts" (this has got to be my favourite label ever - it makes NO sense) and "Om-nified" (Seriously?!). As you can tell, living a life full of superfoods = living a life full of wellness, fullness, love, joy, laughter and energy.
Yep and ooooo.... 6:46am.
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