Okay, so this is a weird place to be blogging... But I'm working on the last few sets of my workout at the gym when I overhear 2 individuals discussing Raw, going Raw and Raw cuisine....
Now if there is something I have observed through my interactions with people whether it be during the course of business or while I am relaxing, holidaying and soaking up some vitamin D sunshine, is that there is a general misconception about Raw.
Scratch that. There is a HUGE misconception about Raw.
So here's my attempt at de-mystifying it. Let's take a closer look at some myths shall we?
MYTH #1 : Going Raw = Weight Loss
If you've been eating a Standard American Diet ("SAD"), i.e. processed foods like breads, cakes, microwaveable meals and all other high sugar, high sodium 'foods', then yes, switching to raw will see you shedding some pounds over a few weeks. But unlike what most raw evangelists commonly term it, it is not so much "the power of Raw", as much as it is that you have eliminated all CRAP foods from your diet.
So yes, going Raw in the short-term does result in weight loss. Is it sustainable? Not is you yo-yo between Raw and your normal diet (whatever that may be).
The problem about many people is that they view Raw cuisine as a quick fix. It is not.
The truth is, and has always been, that in the long term, a steady, consistent eating plan that is balanced and nutrient-dense, coupled with activities and exercise will lead to a sustainable weight loss.
We've all been there. Yo-yo-ing between feeling ecstatic because we achieved our short term weight goals and then feeling demotivated and very much a failure when we pile on all the pounds and extra fats when we slide back into our old eating habits.
Another very important point to remember, is that a strictly Raw diet tends to be carbohydrates, sugars and plant fat heavy. Unless you have a nutritionist/dietician assisting you with a proper menu and recipes, it is entirely possible to be protein-deficient in your Raw meals.
Why is this important? A carbohydrate and sugar heavy diet will cause spikes in blood sugar levels and subsequent 'crashes', which lead you to feel amazing one minute & hungry/lethargic in a few hours (usually 2). What this entails is that you end up consuming more and more carbs and sugars, which eventually leads to an increase in fat storage in your body's cells because it has 'forgotten' how to burn existing body fats for fuel.
So yes, going Raw without proper guidance will lead you to losing weight in the long term.... But what you may end up as is what I call a "Skinny Fatty". Or completely emaciated and sunken in.... Either way, it's not a picture of health.
This leads me properly into...
MYTH #2: Raw is 100% HEALTHY for me!
Yes, Raw foods are healthy. They truly truly are. But ONLY, and I reiterate, ONLY if it is done correctly. I had a naturopath/nutritionist expert hammer this solidly & repeatedly into me on MANY occassions. As mentioned above, it is entirely plausible to be nutrient-deficient on a 100% Raw diet.
We need a full spectrum of macro & micro nutrients to sustain our body's functions. Granted, we all know that Spinach and Spirulina are good sources of plant protein... But the truth is, how much of those ingredients do we have to consume to meet our body's daily requirements? And even then, the way plant protein and animal protein is absorbed and used in our bodies are totally different.
For example, for 100g of chicken breast at least 4kg of spinach is needed to match the same protein composition within these foods. What our bodies do with the protein thereafter is different.
Now let's be honest with ourselves here: for those of us on a strictly 100% Raw diet - do we consume that much plant protein in a day? The answer is NO.
How can we combat this issue? By consuming more beans and legume. Herein lies the problem.... For those who educate themselves on Raw food preparation via Youtube or online blogs, would you really know how to sprout beans properly for consumption? Or if you're a busy, working individual with a 9-5 job and then some.... Would you really have the time to sprout beans properly?
Through my experiences talking with others or giving talks and classes, the general reply is no.
So is Raw a definitive answer to health? No. Can it be? Yes. Only is you have the proper knowledge on nutrition and how your body works. How can you safeguard against nutrient-deficient Raw? Consult your doctor, nutritionist or dietician.
MYTH #3: Raw desserts are healthy.
Generally, they are - but only because they are barren of processed and refined sugars, flours, margarine, yeasts etc.
But it could also potentially be hazardous to health, depending on whether the dessert is made with Agave or not.
Yes, yes, I've heard how Agave Nectar is low in GI and organic and supposedly Raw... But no. It is extremely bad for health. A quick search on Google will reveal many links explaining why. But to list a few:
1) http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-truth-about-agave
2) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mercola/agave-this-sweetener-is-f_b_537936.html
3) http://www.rawfor30days.com/blog/how-agave-nectar-broke-my-heart-why-this-%E2%80%9Cnatural-sweetener%E2%80%9D-really-isn%E2%80%99t-that-good-for-you/
Even with the absence of Agave, most raw desserts are, like any other non-raw desserts, extremely high in sugar. And the link between sugar and serious disease has been publushed in scientific literature for a very long time. I strongly suggest taking some time to read this article properly:
It aptly addresses the problems with sugar and also discusses the various types of sweeteners. It is a good read.
So before you start loading up on raw desserts, comforting yourself that it is "healthy", think again.
MYTH #4: Raw cuisine is a natural disease remedy
Yes, we've all heard stories of how people have cured themselves with raw foods. The truth is, they've cured themselves because they stopped eating CRAP or adopting SAD.
See here for a quick explanation: http://www.naturalnews.com/033578_processed_foods_cancer.html
Eliminating unnatural foods naturally allows your body to heal itself - something Mother Nature had had the foresight to input into our genetic make up. Remember, our ancestors never had access to processed foods like vegetable oils, flours, processed meats etc... Hell, they couldn't even consume grains! Think about it, in order for us to consume grains (which, by the way, are supposedly healthy for us), we have to process them and then cook them. In fact, scientists note that the only animals that naturally feed on grains are birds. Mammals do not.
When we put unnatural foods into our system, we get sick. When we take them out, our body recuperates and works back towards its equilibrium. So no, Raw is not a godly disease curer by any stretch. It is a constituent, yes, but not the ONLY natural way of doing so.
There are many more misconceptions.... I could go on and on, but the 4 I have listed above, are the most salient. More information can be found by reading these 2 books:
1) Raw Food Controversies, by: Frederic Patenaude
2) The Raw Food Diet Myth, by: Ruthann Russo
To end of, I'd like to say that whilst I subscribe to a raw diet, I do not pressure myself to adhere to it strictly nor have any delusions regarding raw. I have been fortunate enough to have had access to a wide variety of knowledge from experts on nutrition and am able to come up with a raw recipe that comprises a balanced spectrum of nutrients to meet my daily needs.
If you choose to go Raw, I say go for it! It is healthy. But do not pressure yourself into doing so just because it's the "in" thing, a fad or because you've heard it works miracles. Remember, our body is a more complex system than we ever know.
And if you're deciding whether Raw is good for your children, I suggest consulting with nutritionists/doctors/dieticians to ensure that your child gets the full spectrum of nutrients he/she needs for proper growth and development.
I encourage you to do your research, seek alternative views before deciding that going mostly Raw is the way for you. Generally, I agree that incorporating more raw foods into our diets will alleviate the advent of serious diseases and illnesses.... But too much of a good thing is bad.
Balance is key.
Like most things, everything is healthy when eaten in the right proportions.
For those with an open mind and would like to understand a little more about eating and how our body responds to foods, I strongly suggest watching the independtly produced documentary "Fat Head" (2009). It is food for thought.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
{Recipe} Raw Breakfast Crepes
Waking up is always an interesting experience for me.
Some times, I choose to roll around in bed. Other times, I bounce right off and annoy the hell out of anyone who has the misfortune of living with me. And then there are times where I wake with one thought in mind:
Today, it was "Mmmmm..... BANANAS."
I blame it on episode 2 of season 1 of Psych. The premise: A murder at the regional Spelling Bee, and Shaun was filling in as Spell Master when he decided that "BANANAS" was a word suitable for the competition. Needless to say, the hysterics that ensued and the subsequent debilitating effect it had on my psyche persisted until morning.
So today, BANANAS it is.
The wonderful thing about local bananas in Thailand is that they are wonderfully sweet and fragrant. So you really need no added sweetener to achieve the perfect raw banana breakfast crepe.
Like so.
Raw banana crepes with spiced buckwheat crispies, raisins, tropical fruit and coconut flower syrup.
This was just so wonderfully and un-sinfully decadent (woo! oxymoron) that I had to share how easy it is to make.
There's no need for any specific measurement of amount added. Just add to taste/liking. Essentially, this is how the recipe goes:
RAW BANANA CREPES (raw, vegan, gluten-free)
Ripe bananas
Ground cinnamon
Sweetener of choice e.g. Maple syrup, Raw honey, Date paste, Coconut Flower Syrup etc etc (optional)
1) Blend bananas + cinnamon in food processor or blender until smooth, thick & luscious.
2) If using sweetener, add sweetener to taste.
3) Blend well.
4) Pour about 1 cup of batter onto Paraflexx sheet. Using an offset spatula or the back of a large spoon, spread batter out into desired thickness and size.
5) Dehydrate at 115 deg F for 6 - 8 hours. Don't worry if you leave it in there for more than the specified time. Bananas remain pliable when dehydrated.
6) Carefully peel crepes off the Paraflexx sheets.
7) Serve with choice of cream, fruits or maple syrup/raw honey.
That's it.
How easy is that?
Now to make a really delicious cream (who needs dairy?!):
RAW VANILLA KREAM (raw, vegan, gluten-free)
2 cups Raw Organic Cashews, soaked at least 2 hours in filtered water. Rinse before use.
1 cup Young coconut meat
1/4 cup - 1/2 cup Filtered water, add to desired consistency
1/4 cup Sweetener of choice
1 pod Vanilla seeds (or 1 tsp Vanilla extract)
1) In a high powered blender, blend cashews + coconut meat + 1/4 cup water + sweetener + vanilla.
2) Add more water if desired.
3) Blend until smooth & creamy.
TIP: You may make the cream entirely with cashews or coconut meat. Just adjust sweetener and water to achieve desired result. Will keep for 2 - 3 days in the fridge.
TIP 2: Freeze mixture to get raw ice cream!
Time to dig in.
Bon appetit!
Friday, May 24, 2013
A Happy Birthday
It's one of those times in life that everyone goes through some time or another. It's a time of change. A time of uncertainty... A time of the self.
My birthday was yesterday and according to my lovely Psychic, Julie Cook, I have entered the Numerology Year #5.
Which, for those who didn't know, is the year of the self.
AND.... To drive the nail home, my Numerology life path is 5 - you may read about it here. In essence, number 5s are independent, freedom-loving individuals who love change and hate routine.
A Number 5 in Year #5. How apt. You know this is going to be tumultuous.
So... this year is all about change & changes. There have been many and I know there still are many to come... Perhaps a quick overview of some important changes thus far?
Let's start with some good news. My brainchild, Anything.But.Salads, is currently undergoing some restructuring. After much consideration, I have decided to divert my focus and attention back on my initial plan for ABS - mass manufacturing of my own brand of Organic Raw Vegan Snacks. A.k.a, we're shifting from a raw vegan catering business BACK to a raw vegan snacks manufacturer/supplier. This will kick off in August this year, so stay tuned for updates! It's going to be an exciting time. I will still be providing raw meals, but on a more personal basis. I prefer to provide private catering as this allows me to be more client-centric. I've preferred to customize meals for clients as this will ensure that (1) the food is seasoned to their tastes & liking, & (2) it will be best tailored to assist them in achieving any diet/nutrition/health/detox goals. So if anyone's interested, please drop me an email at callie@anythingbutsalads.com.
As for the not-too-good news... Well, there has been some upheavals, changes and loss with family... As such, I'm taking a short break to deal with those issues... Not to mention, I have worked myself to the ground and am in desperate need of a break....
Maybe it's Fate, you know, the whole "this-was-meant-to-happen" theory? But coincidentally (or not, whatever your view may be), ABS is on hold, family requires my attention and I need a break... SO, for the time being, I am a travelling hippie/chef.... If we're fated to meet (haha), I might just be lucky enough to prepare you a meal or two. So keep an eye out for me. ;)
Oh! Here's how you'll know it's me. I have a tattoo on my left wrist. Like so:
Yes, it's new. A month old? I designed it. The 3 things that I feel most strongly about.
This then begs the question: Where am I now?
The answer: Phuket, Thailand.
Well, at least until the end of this month. Then I'm jet-setting off to Australia for the month of June.
I don't really have a plan, save for being back in HK in August to launch the snacks & Guatemala in late September.
Not having a plan is really uncharacteristic of me. Am I excited? Yes. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I scared? You betcha. A time of flux is a time of uncertainty and with uncertainty comes un-knowing. I suppose that's the part that scares me most - not knowing. But all I can do at this moment is to trust.
So here's a final Happy Birthday to me.
And hello, Year 5.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
What my Soul wants to tell me
I've always been fascinated with cards and soul reading and fortune telling, but never had the guts to actually read my own cards. Mom had told me that reading my future or anyone else's is reading "divinity" and can spell my own misfortune.
At Amity Wellness, we end our morning meetings with card readings. And today, it happened to be Soul Reading - i.e. what your Soul wants to tell you. I figured that this was soul reading and NOT fortune reading, so I should be safe.
In any case, I asked my Soul what needed healing, and this is what popped up:
The only thing I have to say is, this is SPOT ON. =) I've always been told that these are areas I need to work on, and I have been actively working on myself... But to see them in cards is rather.... Uncanny & freaky, to some extent!
Oh! And here's what my Soul wanted me to know on the day I arrived at Amity:
And in case you were wondering, this was one of the reasons that spurred my retreat, literally, to Amity. =)
And as the Sanctuary card reads, I would like to affirm that
These words have never been truer.
At Amity Wellness, we end our morning meetings with card readings. And today, it happened to be Soul Reading - i.e. what your Soul wants to tell you. I figured that this was soul reading and NOT fortune reading, so I should be safe.
In any case, I asked my Soul what needed healing, and this is what popped up:
1st Card: What needs Healing
2nd Card: How to heal
3rd Card: Future - if I heal
The only thing I have to say is, this is SPOT ON. =) I've always been told that these are areas I need to work on, and I have been actively working on myself... But to see them in cards is rather.... Uncanny & freaky, to some extent!
Oh! And here's what my Soul wanted me to know on the day I arrived at Amity:
And in case you were wondering, this was one of the reasons that spurred my retreat, literally, to Amity. =)
And as the Sanctuary card reads, I would like to affirm that
"I am divinely guided gently and lovingly."
These words have never been truer.
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